Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Seriously Don't Get Why . . .

Stardoll's all touch about you giving away your account . . .
I mean, 'giving away' means you're never going to use it again.
So really, it just doesn't add up.
If you do want to sell your account but you aren't sure how, here is MY version:
1. First, make sure you trust this person. Even if you are giving tis account away, you probably worked hard on it and want a respectable and nice person to take it over.
2. Ask them for their e-mail address. Then change YOUR e-mail address to theirs.
3. After that, open up your e-mail. Stardoll sent you mail asking if you sincerely want to change your e-mail. It will probably have a link that will change the e-mail, so click the link.
4. Change your password. The new password will be sent to their e-mail, and they now own your account.
5. Keep in mind that you will probably never have this account again.

That's it ^_^

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